On June 24, 2016, French technology supplier Areva H2Gen inaugurated its first production facilities for PEM electrolysis systems in the presence of the country’s environment minister, Ségolène Royal. The new buildings are in Les Ulis near Paris, France, at the company’s main plant, which has seen a doubling in staff in the two years since it went online. The plant will reportedly produce 30 electrolysis systems per year. Some of the components will be used for the new hydrogen filling station that is being set up in Rodez, a project supported by the H2ME program (Hydrogen Mobility Europe). The station will be supplied by hydrogen generated from hydropower plants and is said to serve as a refueling site for a fleet of several Renault Kangoo ZE H2 operated by Braley, a waste disposal company based in town. The new H2 filling station in the Sébazac-Concourès commune is planned to go online in late 2016; local hydrogen production will reportedly start in June 2017.

Areva H2Gen Started Production

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