
FuelCell Energy – roller coaster ride on the stock exchange

FuelCell Energy – roller coaster ride on the stock exchange

If you hold this HZwei issue in your hands, we will know how FuelCell Energy will continue - whether it will continue: Chapter 11 (US insolvency) or reorganisation.
Giant stack from FuelCell Energy, © FuelCell Energy

If you hold this H2-international issue in your hands, we will know how FuelCell Energy will continue – whether it will continue: Chapter 11 (US insolvency) or reorganisation. What has happened? Enormous amounts of shares were traded daily by FuelCell Energy – on some days up to 150 million (computer arbitrage programs?). These were felt more than there actually are (reason: Conversion of preference shares). The interim price gain resembled an explosion, as there were even short-term prices of 1.00 US-$, while the price days before was still 0.13 US-$ (all, of course, under the aspect of the 12:1 reverse split).
