
H2 pipeline from Ukraine to Germany

H2 pipeline from Ukraine to Germany

First German-Ukrainian Energy Day Online, © AHK

First German-Ukrainian Energy Day, © AHK

The German-American talks regarding a possible activation of Nord Stream 2 also specifically addressed Germany’s involvement in Ukraine. Ukraine, which fears economic disadvantages as a result of Nord Stream 2, is to receive support from the Federal Republic of Germany in the further development of its energy supply system. Or that was the plan, before Putin’s attack of the country. Due to the current war, it is completely open what the future will look like in Eastern Europe, including what the energy supply situation will be. In order to show what opportunities could arise after the, hopefully near, end of this invasion, we describe here the initial situation, as it still looked at the end of 2021. (more…)

H2Global – Building international hydrogen markets

H2Global – Building international hydrogen markets

About halfway between Montreal and Quebec City, the small town of Bécancour on the Saint Lawrence River has 13,000 inhabitants. The current world record holder in membrane electrolysis is located in the industrial park, between medium-sized chemical and refinery operations. With a capacity of 20 MW, fed by abundantly available hydropower, the PEM electrolyser supplies 8.2 t of hydrogen per day to part of the local industry. (more…)

Adieu, Stephan Kohler

Adieu, Stephan Kohler

Portrait Mr. Stephan Kohler
© Zukunft Erdgas

At the age of 67, Stephan Kohler’s passing in late October last year came as quite a surprise. His death was reported by the German Zukunft Erdgas industry initiative, on whose supervisory board Kohler had been since 2018. Many politicians and business leaders remember Kohler as a passionate fighter for climate action. Zukunft Erdgas chairman Timm Kehler said: “Stephan Kohler was held in high esteem throughout the entire energy sector. His precise analyses and attention to detail were greatly respected and appreciated. […] We’ve lost a tremendous human being, a smart, passionate innovator and driving force for the energy revolution.”

Capacity needs to grow

Capacity needs to grow

Andreas Kuhlmann, dena
Andreas Kuhlmann, © dena

Known in English as the German Energy Agency, dena calls itself a “center of expertise for energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and smart energy systems“ and an “agency for implementing the transformation of the energy market.“
