
Connected – Autonomous – Emission-Free

Connected – Autonomous – Emission-Free

Handshake Dobrindt - Gang

Handshake Dobrindt – Gang

Many prominent figures from politics and business showed up to the H2Mobility conference in Berlin, Germany, in order to re-assure each other of the promises they had already made. Alexander Dobrindt kicked off the event held on the premises of his government department, the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI), before the Chinese transportation minister, Wan Gang, addressed the audience. (more…)

Launch of Emission-Free Passenger Aircraft Hy4

Launch of Emission-Free Passenger Aircraft Hy4


Hy4, © DLR

A unique aircraft with a distinctive design and innovative engine technology – that is how one could sum up the features of the Hy4, which the German Aerospace Center (DLR) had already showcased at the World of Energy Solutions on Oct. 12, 2015. The new concept study was presented by project head Professor Josef Kallo, who had already been responsible for developing its predecessor. (more…)
