
kraftwerk is back

kraftwerk is back

Handheld charger still in the works

Sascha Kühn showing one of the cells he is developing
© kraftwerk

A plague of trademark disputes and court cases took eZelleron and its kraftwerk product virtually off the grid for five long years. Then, last October, kraftwerk TUBES chief executive Sascha Kühn informed H2-international that the business is coming out of “stealth mode” to demonstrate the fruits of quiet progress.

Charges filed against eZelleron’s Kühn

Charges filed against eZelleron’s Kühn

In April 2016, eZelleron, a German startup, filed for bankruptcy protection (see H2-international, August 2016). Now, its former CEO, Sascha Kühn, was charged with violating accounting principles, committing fraud and deepening the company’s insolvency, the Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten newspaper has reported. Kühn left Germany for the United States to head kraftwerk Inc. and eZelleron Inc. based in Silicon Valley. He is alleged to have filed balance sheets too late (more…)

Charges filed against eZelleron’s Kühn

eZelleron Partners with Infiniti

Buyers of “kraftwerk” fuel cell chargers may have to wait a little longer still. The manufacturer of the devices, eZelleron, cited an ongoing legal dispute about trademark rights and intellectual property as the reason for having to postpone shipments even further. Sascha Kühn, CEO of eZelleron, told H2-international that he would like to provide more details on the situation, but the charges which Kraftwerk, an electronic music band, had brought against the company just 5 days after its crowdfunding campaign ended (more…)

eZelleron Moves to USA

eZelleron Moves to USA


Sascha Kühn

While some talk about the bankruptcy of start-up eZelleron from Dresden, Germany, others only say that the headquarters were relocated to the US. How much truth is to these rumors? First, what is certain is that the delivery of fuel cell device kraftwerk will be late, as bankruptcy proceedings for eZelleron GmbH began on April 18, 2016, at the local court in Dresden. (more…)

Fuel Cell Market is Growing

Fuel Cell Market is Growing

The-Fuel-Cell-Industry-Review-2015November 2015 saw the publication of the Fuel Cell Industry Review 2015, including market data and analyses for 2015. Since 2014, a team led by E4tech had contacted fuel cell companies around the globe, aggregated their supply figures and can now show the latest trends in the industry, much as Fuel Cell Today had done before its survey came to a halt. The following will present some excerpts from the review. (more…)