
The time to transform the gas networks is now

The time to transform the gas networks is now

Gerald Linke, © DVGW, Tatiana Back Kurda
© DVGW, Tatiana Back Kurda

Interview with Gerald Linke, DVGW chairman

The German gas and water industries association DVGW has for some time been increasing its efforts in relation to hydrogen. In early 2018, it entered into initial negotiations with the German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association, DWV, with the aim of intensifying the cooperation between the two organizations. At the end of 2020, DWV members voted overwhelmingly in favor of the partnership proposed by the board. What unites these two associations and what could the gas industry look like in the future? Gerald Linke, DVGW chairman, shared his views with H2-international.

Cold chamber for hydrogen truck tanks

Cold chamber for hydrogen truck tanks

img. of climatic chamber © JAG

In February 2021, JA-Gastechnology, also known as JAG, shipped a permeation climatic chamber to a U.S. commercial vehicle manufacturer. Based in Burgwedel, Germany, JAG reported that it is the “world’s biggest climatic chamber for hydrogen trucks,” capable of carrying out pressure cycling tests and permeation measurements. With an internal diameter of 10 feet (3 meters), the unit can be used to put complete Type 4 tank systems through their paces under extreme conditions in temperatures ranging from -40 °C to +85 °C.

Natural hydrogen

Natural hydrogen

© Prinzhofer et al., 2018
© Prinzhofer et al., 2018

A promising source of clean and renewable energy

Natural hydrogen gas is known on Earth since the 1920’s. However, its potential interest as an exploitable source of energy has been growing in the past ten years. Early discoveries were either forgotten and neglected (Australia, Kansas, USA, Brazil, Mali) or located in remote areas where little if no economic interests can be devised (Mid-oceanic ridges, mountain chains).

The bigger picture brings greater justice

The bigger picture brings greater justice

Future accounting calculates sustainability

Christian Hiß
Hiss: “They key is to change the way we account for profits and losses.”

Money makes the world go round. Companies seek to maximize profits, countries their GDPs. In both cases, we are dealing with figures in dollars, euros or some other currency. But what about values or services without a price tag? Such as employee health. The advice and expertise of colleagues freshly retired. What is the long-term cost of cutting down a forest? How expensive is sustainable (or industrial) farming? So far, most accounting revolves solely around financial issues.


No Concern for H2 Feed-In in Natural Gas Pipelines

The German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water (DVGW) presented a new study during the gas industry discussion forum, gat 2015, on Oct. 27, 2015. The new document says that “the existing natural gas infrastructure is generally suited for adding one to nine per cent hydrogen.” In Essen, the association presented results from its research conducted under the auspices of the DVGW research project Hydrogen Tolerance of Natural Gas Infrastructure and Associated Facilities. (more…)