
Self-sufficiency solutions get ready for market

Self-sufficiency solutions get ready for market

Off-grid living in Germany and Australia

The Australian LAVO ™ module
The Australian LAVO™ module, © Lavo

Energy self-sufficiency, a dream for a number of homeowners, is now gradually becoming a reality. As isolated projects have already demonstrated, it is perfectly feasible to forgo a conventional grid connection and have a property’s entire energy needs met by renewables alone. The technology that makes this possible is on the tipping point of serial production following years of development, a move that could also bring the price down to a more acceptable level in the not too distant future.

HPS to Make Homeowners Energy Self-Sufficient

HPS to Make Homeowners Energy Self-Sufficient


Picea unit at Hannover Messe 2017

It’s not the first time someone has tried to use hydrogen storage for making homes energy self-sufficient. The latest company to make the attempt is Home Power Solutions, based in Berlin, Germany. When HPS unveiled its Picea unit in March 2017 at the ISH in Frankfurt am Main, the press seemed to be all over it. This may have had something to do with HPS’ former parent company, Heliocentris, having filed for bankruptcy shortly before the trade show. H2-international sat down for an interview with the managing directors of HPS during Hannover Messe to talk about the company’s history and new developments. (more…)