
Rating the Safety of Pressure Vessels

Rating the Safety of Pressure Vessels

9783662481318Springer Vieweg Verlag has published a new 324-page softcover book about “Evaluating the safety of composite tanks.” Author Georg W. Mair looks at the potential of statistical methods beyond current regulations to show alternative options for rating the safety of carbon fiber-reinforced tanks. Mair works at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing or BAM and heads the division Pressure Equipment – Pressure Receptacles – Fuel Gas Storage Systems. (more…)

BMW Presents New 5 Series Boasting Fuel-Cell Engine

BMW Presents New 5 Series Boasting Fuel-Cell Engine


Fill it up, please! © BMW

This summer car manufacturer BMW presented a new vehicle driven by a fuel cell. In Miramar in the south of France, the Bavarian company revealed their new BMW 5 Series Gran Turismo (GT) on the first of July 2015. The car is a showcase vehicle, which was developed in cooperation with Toyota and is planned for mass production by 2020. (more…)
