
In with the new, repurposing the used

In with the new, repurposing the used

tee piece
Finite element model of a tee piece with a surface fracture

Renewably sourced hydrogen is an essential energy carrier for achieving COP21 climate targets. The gas can store and deliver energy anywhere, anytime, meeting demand regardless of generation facilities and end users.

Nikutta new head of Alstom Germany

Nikutta new head of Alstom Germany


Jörg Nikutta, © Alstom

On Sept. 1, 2017, Jörg Nikutta became responsible for Alstom’s operations in Austria and Germany. The same day, he was also appointed spokesman for the board of management at Alstom Transport Deutschland. Nikutta used to work at Deutsche Bahn and now follows in the footsteps of Didier Pfleger, who has since been in charge of Alstom’s Middle East business.

New E License Plate

New E License Plate

license-plateThere is the next step after introducing the electric vehicle bill (in force since June 12, 2015): Since the end of September last year, i.e., as long as the relevant amendment has been in effect, owners of electric cars have been able to apply for special license plates. The black E after the number on the plate could mean they enjoy certain privileges, for example, if a community has approved bus lanes for electric cars to drive on (more…)

The provision of funding to fuel cells in CHP units

The provision of funding to fuel cells in CHP units


Panasonics Vitalor

In March 2015, the German Federal Ministry for Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) introduced a new funding regulation: “Fuel cells for highly efficient combined heat and power units”. These FC-CHP guidelines aim to ensure the smooth transition of fuel cell-based combined heat and power technology from the research and development stage (R&D) to commercialization over the short and medium term. On this basis, the BMVI awards investment grants to fuel cell CHP devices in single and multi-family dwellings as well as in industrial and commercial properties which have an electrical output of up to 20kW. Playing a leading role here are the (more…)

Federal Ministry for the Environment improves CHP support

Federal Ministry for the Environment improves CHP support


“Sales talk” during the Hanover trade show (Source: SOLIDpower)

At the end of 2014 the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) revised the mini CHP (combined heat and power) impulse program. It has now been in force since 1st January 2015, and has brought with it a range of new developments for FC heating equipment in particular, as fuel cells are more effective than conventional heating elements, a factor that is henceforth receiving funding. With this revision, the BMUB has used an (more…)