e-Journal August 2023
Here you will find all previous H2-international issues since 2015, which you can download as a PDF file, print out and read in peace at home or in the office – free of charge.
In the HZwei archive you will also find the german issues from 2006 to 2014.
3 Editorial
4 Contents
6 News
- Industry wants climate-friendly hydrogen
- Electrolysis calculator online
- 45 million Euros for the H2 regions
- Coal seams as H2 storage sites
- New H2 Internet platform
- Enapter starts electrolyzer production in Saerbeck
- Field test with 20 % H2 works
9 Trade fairs and conferences
- H2Expo is postponed
- H2 industry rescues attendance at Hannover Messe
12 Energy storage
- TH2ECO showing the future H2 market
- Feasibility of an offshore H2 backbone
- The potential of methanol
- H2 from scrape wood and banana peels
- PCK and Enertrag start HyPE+ project
- Hydrogen could be produced from seawater
27 Electromobility
- Infrastructure for H2 trucks in long-distance transport
- Interview with Lorenz Jung, H2 Mobility
- Emission-free energy system of a coastal vessel
- FC forklifts offer potential for warehouse logistics
- Havelland wants to become even greener
38 Development
- ZBT tests 500-bar trailer storage system
- Fuel cells poised for scale-up
- Innovation trends along the H2 value chain
45 Safety
- Hydrogen emergency response
48 Market
- Knowdown prices are buy prices
- Ballard – The calm before the storm
- Bloom – Get set today for the next year half
- Plug – Forecasts relinquished again
- Weichai – Good share price performance
- Iveco and Nikola end European joint venture
- Hyzon Motors – Clarity through figures
- Siemens Energy – Many new technology approaches
- Cummins – India the market of the future
57 International
- Poland and Germany on the hunt for staff
- Three Seas Initiative takes off
- Travel report from India
- Austria focuses on top H2 research
64 Company directory
69 Events
69 Legal Notice