H2-international – Newsletter December 2015 |
H2-international started very successful in its first year. More than 1300 newsletter subscribers could be gathered in the first weeks and the e-journal got a lot of positive reply.
The list of companies is still growing and growing so that we are absolutely sure now – H2-international can keep you informed in the future, in 2016 and hopefully for many years after. Thanks to you all for your interest and your support. |
BMW Presents New 5 Series Boasting Fuel-Cell Engine
This summer car manufacturer BMW presented a new vehicle driven by a fuel cell. In Miramar in the south of France, the Bavarian company revealed their new BMW 5 Series Gran Turismo (GT) on the first of July 2015 . The car is a showcase vehicle, which was developed in cooperation with Toyota and is … Read more
Second quarter figures certainly fell short of expectations. All segments reported decreasing revenues. Still: The second half of 2015 should bring forth many positive developments in several areas, according to Ballard’s CEO, Randall MacEwen. FuelCell Energy would be “extremely busy.” This means: I assume that the takeover of Protonex will soon become reality, as over … Read more
DOE Chooses FuelCell Energy for New Project
FuelCell Energy specializes in large-scale projects using fuel-cell technology to generate clean energy (electricity and heat). It is also leading in technologies such as CO2 capture and storage. The company recently secured a contract award by the American Department of Energy for a scalable CO2 capturing project (e.g., for coal-fired power plants) potentially worth around … Read more
South Africa Promotes H2 and Fuel-Cell Technologies
South Africa is the biggest economy on the African continent, and since the end of apartheid more than 20 years ago, the country has been viewed as a role model by many of its neighbors. Because of its very healthy economic development, the nation at the Cape of Good Hope has become part of the … Read more
Michael Seehuber Heads H-Tec Systems
Since August 1, there has been a new CEO at the helm of H-Tec’s electrolysis division: Michael Seehuber, who is now managing H-Tec Systems. Seehuber will take over the responsibilities previously held by Uwe Küter, who founded H-Tec in 1997 together with Stefan Höller and left the company in 2014. The company’s former Head of … Read more
Fraunhofer ISE Inaugurates New Testing Site
The energy transformation needs efficient storage solutions and technologies for heat conversion. One of the institutions playing an important role in advancing the transformation of the energy sector is the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, ISE, in Freiburg. Increasing interest in energy storage technologies as well as efficient heating and cooling processes has led … Read more
The Hydrogen Information Truck H2M, a tractor-trailer, began its road tour through Europe in Italy in spring 2015. The tour’s starting location on April 20 was the Italian parliament; the final destination was Paris at the end of 2015.There, the truck advertises for sustainable environmental policies during the UN Climate Conference (COP 21) … Read more
International Comparison of E-Car Regions
What impact does the ongoing electrification of the automotive industry have? Which technology fields will be affected by the structural changes? What needs to be done not to lag behind? Questions like these are a concern especially to regions highly dependent on the car industry. In a search for answers, the State Agency for Electric … Read more
Since summer of 2012, Roland Käppner had been President of McPhy Energy Germany. At the beginning of 2014, he also became Vice President of McPhy Energy S.A. In July of last year, the French company announced that it would collaborate with British corporation GKN on the development of solid-hydrogen storage systems. This August, Käppner changed … Read more
IAA 2015 – Where Electric Cars Bombed
Connectivity and digitalization – these were the main topics of the International Automobile Exhibition (IAA), which took place in Frankfurt a. M., Germany, from September 17 to 27, 2015. Both the media uplink to the entire globe and digital premium offers appeared much more important than clean engine technologies. The announcements did include much on … Read more
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- December 6th to 8th 2015, International Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Conference, in Agra, India, www.hai.org.in
- December 16th to 18th 2015, European Fuel Cell Conference & Exhibition, in Naples, Italy, www.europeanfuelcell.it
- February 4th to 5th 2016, HyVolution, in Paris, France, www.hyvolution.fr
- March 15th to 17th 2016, Energy Storage Europe, Düsseldorf, Germany, www.energy-storage-online.com
- March 15th to 17th 2016, International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES 2016), Düsseldorf, Germany, www.eurosolar.de
- April 13th to 14th 2016, Grove Conference Fuel Cells Science and Technology, in Glasgow, United Kingdom, organised by Elsevier, www.fuelcelladvances.com
- April 25th to 29th 2016, Group Exhibit Hydrogen + Fuel Cells + Batteries, in Hannover, Germany, www.h2fc-fair.com, www.hannovermesse.com
- June 13th to 16th 2016, World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2016, in Zaragoza, Spain, www.whec2016.com
AREVA H2Gen GmbH, Maarweg 137, 50825 Cologne, Germany, Phone +49-(0)221-888244-88, Fax -67, www.arevah2gen.com
Diamond Lite S.A., Rheineckerstr. 12, PO Box 9, 9425 Thal, Switzerland, Phone +41-(0)71-880020-0, Fax -1, diamondlite@diamondlite.com, www.diamondlite.com
Hydrogenics GmbH, Am Wiesenbusch 2, 45966 Gladbeck, Germany, Phone +49-(0)2043-944 141, Fax -6, hydrogensales@hydrogenics.com, www.hydrogenics.com
Energy Storage
- GKN Powder Metallurgy, GKN Sinter Metals, PO Box 55, Ipsley House, Redditch B98 0TL, Worcestershire, United Kingdom, www.gkn.com/sintermetals
Hydrogenious Technologies GmbH, Weidenweg 13, 91058 Erlangen, Germany, Phone +49-(0)9131-12640-220, Fax -29, www.hydrogenious.net
Event Organizers
22nd Group Exhibit Hydrogen + Fuel Cells + Batteries, HANNOVER MESSE 2016, April 25 – 29, Tobias Renz FAIR, Phone +49-(0)30-60984556, tobias@h2fc-fair.com, www.h2fc-fair.com
- GL events Exhibitions, 59, quai Rambaud, CS 50056, 69285 Lyon Cedex 02, France, Phone +33-(0)478-17633-0, Fax -2, www.gl-events.com
Fueling-Recirculation and Air-Supply
Busch Clean Air S.A., Chemin des Grandes-Vies 54, 2900 Porrentruy, Switzerland, Phone +41 (0)32-46589-60, Fax -79, info@buschcleanair.com, www.buschcleanair.com
Hydrogen Distribution
Hydrogenious Technologies GmbH, Weidenweg 13, 91058 Erlangen, Germany, Phone +49-(0)9131-12640-220, Fax -29, www.hydrogenious.net
Wystrach GmbH, Industriestraße 60, Germany – 47652 Weeze, Phone +49-(0)2837-9135-0, Fax -30, www.wystrach-gmbh.de
Membrane and Separator
FuMA-Tech Gesellschaft für funktionelle Membranen und Anlagentechnologie mbH, Carl-Benz-Str. 4, 74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany, Phone +49-(0)7142-3737-900, Fax -999, www.fumatech.com
Plansee SE, Bipolar Plates, Interconnects and Metal Supported Cells, 6600 Reutte, Austria, Phone +43-(0)5672-600-2422, www.plansee.com
German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association, Deutscher Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellen-Verband e.V. (DWV), Moltkestr. 42, 12203 Berlin, Germany, Phone +49-(0)30-398209946-0, Fax -9, www.dwv-info.de
- hySOLUTIONS GmbH, Steinstrasse 25, 20095 Hamburg, Germany, Phone +49-(0)40-3288353-2, Fax -8, hysolutions-hamburg.de
National Organisation Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (NOW GmbH), Fasanenstr. 5, 10623 Berlin, Germany, Phone +49-(0)30-3116116-15, Fax -99, www.now-gmbh.de
- WS Reformer GmbH, Dornierstraße 14, 71272 Renningen, Germany, Phone +49-(0)7159-163242, Fax -2738, www.wsreformer.com
Research & Development
- Fraunhofer ICT-IMM, Reformer and Heat Exchanger, Carl-Zeiss-Str. 18-20, 55129 Mainz, Germany, Phone +49-(0)6131-9900, info@imm.fraunhofer.de, www.imm.fraunhofer.de
Fraunhofer ISE, Heidenhofstrasse 2, 79110 Freiburg, Germany, Phone +49-(0)761-4588-5202, Fax -9202, www.h2-ise.de
- Anleg GmbH, Advanced Technology, Am Schornacker 59, 46485 Wesel, Germany, Phone 0281-206526-0, Fax -29, www.anleg-gmbh.de
Bürkert Werke GmbH, Mass Flow Controllers, Christian-Bürkert-Str. 13-17, 74653 Ingelfingen, Germany, Phone +49-(0)7940-10-0, Fax -91204, www.burkert.com
HIAT gGmbH, Schwerin, Germany, CCMs / MEAs / GDEs for PEFC, DMFC & PEM-Electrolysis, www.hiat.de
WEKA AG, Schuerlistr. 8, 8344 Baeretswil, Switzerland, Phone +41-(0)43-833434-3, Fax -9, info@weka-ag.ch, www.weka-ag.ch
System Integration
Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) / German Aerospace Center, Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics Energy System Integration, Pfaffenwaldring 38-40, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany, Phone +49-(0)711-6862-672, Fax -747, www.dlr.de/tt, www.dlr.de/tt
FLEXIVA automation & Robotik GmbH, Power Electronics – Hybrid Energy System Solutions, Weißbacher Str. 3, 09439 Amtsberg, Germany, Phone +49-(0)37209-671-0, Fax -30, www.flexiva.eu
TesTneT Engineering GmbH, Schleissheimer Str. 95, 85748 Garching / Munich, Germany, Phone +49-(0)89-237109-39, info@h2-test.net, www.h2-test.net
OMB Saleri SpA, Via Rose di Sotto 38/c – 25126 Brescia, Italy, hydrogen@omb-saleri.it, www.omb-saleri.it
Do you also want to be part of this List of Companies on H2-international? It only costs US-$ 199 (175 Euro).
- Free tickets / Discount for the trade show & conference:
Hyvolution from February 4th to 5th 2016 in Paris, France, www.hyvolution.fr
- 10% Discount for the conference:
Energy Storage Europe from March 15th to 17th 2016 in Düsseldorf, Germany, www.energy-storage-online.com
Please contact H2-international for more details.
H2-international – Hydrogeit Verlag, Sven Geitmann, Gartenweg 5, 16727 Oberkraemer, Germany, Tel: +49 (0)33055-21322, Fax: +49 (0)33055-21320
E-Mail: info@h2-international.com, Homepages: www.h2-international.com & www.hydrogeit-verlag.de, UID/VAT: DE221143829