
Water need for a green H2 economy

Water need for a green H2 economy

Pic. of a wave, © NorthShoreSurfPhotos – Fotolia

© NorthShoreSurfPhotos – Fotolia

For the production of the 14 TWh of green hydrogen capacity the German federal government expects by 2030, no more water is needed than what a city with around 200,000 inhabitants consumes. This was the calculation of the DVGW (Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches), the German association for gas and water standards, in the study “Klimaschutz und Resilienz” (climate protection and climate resilience) from April 2021. According to it, the use of electrolyzers with comparatively low input of water is feasible. Electrolyzers also perform favorably in comparison to coal-fired power plants. For example, the water demand of the energy industry today, which is primarily coal-fired, is more than 50 percent of the total water withdrawal of Germany for the year 2020, according to data from the federal environmental agency UBA (Umweltbundesamt). (more…)

EEG to “jump-start a green hydrogen economy”

EEG to “jump-start a green hydrogen economy”

Amendments cut clean energy surcharges on hydrogen

Kuhlmann, © Koehler/

Experts agree, German parliament has scored an important hydrogen economy victory. EEG,amendments exempt hydrogen from a good portion of clean energy surcharges. What we need now is a renewable capacity to match.

Kerstin Andreae heads BDEW

Kerstin Andreae heads BDEW

Kerstin Andreae
Kerstin Andreae, © BDEW

Since the beginning of November 2019, Kerstin Andreae has been the new Managing Director of the Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e. V. (Federal Association of Energy and Water Management, BDEW).
