
Digital prototypes improve FCs and electrolysers

Digital prototypes improve FCs and electrolysers

HZB PV module


The development of a real prototype is time-consuming and expensive. Mathematical models make it possible to better understand the physical and chemical processes in a fuel cell or an electrolyser. A simulation helps to create new approaches and designs in Lobar. (more…)

Coordination Office for Hydrogen opens

Coordination Office for Hydrogen opens

Portrait Philipp Braunsdorf © NOW

Although Germany’s Coordination Office for Hydrogen officially launched at the end of last year, at that time it was not yet clear who would be working there or where it would be based. Premises are now due to be acquired in April, with central Berlin earmarked as the location. Taking up the leadership role is Philipp Braunsdorf from the National Organisation Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology, or NOW. He is supported in his role by two deputies, one from the German energy agency dena and the other from the non-profit company ZUG.

HZwei turns 20

HZwei turns 20


It’s been over 20 years since the “Magazin für Wasserstoff und Brennstoffzellen” started covering the hydrogen and fuel cell sector. H2Tec, as it was called at the time, was launched by Hanover-based SunMedia Verlags GmbH at the turn of this century. In 2005, the company decided to cease publication and transfer the rights to the trade magazine to Hydrogeit Verlag, then and now Germany’s premier source for books about hydrogen and fuel cells.

Handelsblatt Energy Summit in Berlin

Handelsblatt Energy Summit in Berlin

Johannes Teyssen
Johannes Teyssen, © Dietmar Gust / Euroforum

The Handelsblatt Energy Summit, which took place in Berlin from Jan. 20 to 22, was the right kind of event to take the pulse of the energy industry. Attendees typically discuss issues that have far-reaching implications for the German market. This year, it seemed as if over 80 percent of all presentations, speeches, panel discussions and shared opinions included, at the very least, …

DWV Celebrates 20th Anniversary in Berlin

DWV Celebrates 20th Anniversary in Berlin

dwv-board1996 was the founding year of the German Hydrogen Association (DWV). After now more than 20 years of actively contributing to the development of the German and European H2 and fuel cell industry and a change in name, the members of the German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association, their guests and some of the founders met in Berlin, Germany, on July 6, 2016, to celebrate the two-decade anniversary with representatives from politics and business. (more…)