
Hydrogen from landfill gas

Hydrogen from landfill gas

New H2 research reactor at Entsorgungszentrum Leppe, © RGH2

New H2 research reactor at Entsorgungszentrum Leppe, © RGH2

Bioenergy is not talked about as much as solar and wind energy in the context of H2 production, but biogas, for example, is perfectly suitable for the production of green hydrogen. To bring some more light into the bioenergy darkness, the waste management association of Nordrhein-Westfalen (Bergische Abfallwirtschaftsverband, BAV) and the Austrian energy startup Rouge H2 Engineering (RGH2) put a research reactor at the Leppe dump site in operation in February 2022. There, in a test operation lasting several months, a decentralized production of high-purity hydrogen from landfill gas is to be tried and further developed. (more…)