
Hydrogen recycling at DHBW Mannheim

Hydrogen recycling at DHBW Mannheim

The EH2C team: Kai Tornow, Sven Schmitz and Christian Geml (from left to right) in the hydrogen and fuel cell lab at DHBW Mannheim

The EH2C team: Kai Tornow, Sven Schmitz and Christian Geml (from left to right)

While hydrogen’s deployment as an energy carrier is only in its infancy, this element already forms the backbone of many different industrial processes around the globe. In order to ensure hydrogen feedstock is handled as efficiently as possible, the ELCH electrochemical research cluster at DHBW Mannheim university is carrying out a pioneering joint project which is looking into hydrogen recycling by means of electrochemical compression. The focus of the EH2C project is on recycling hydrogen that accrues during the production of solar cells and other semiconductors. (more…)