
Positive influence of CO2 pricing

Positive influence of CO2 pricing

H2 production costs as a function of production quantity and investment total.
H2 production costs as a function of production quantity and investment total.

Synthetic gases will play an important role in the full supply of renewable energies for Germany’s energy requirements. The meta-analysis of [1] shows that, according to several studies, an electrolysis capacity of more than 100 GW is required in the future energy system in Germany. If such an electrolysis capacity is to be installed in the course of the next few decades, it will be necessary to ramp up the market in good time so that market-driven, reliable and inexpensive plants can be made available.

Meta-Study: Hydrogen Is Competitive

Meta-Study: Hydrogen Is Competitive

CoverRenewably sourced hydrogen has recently gained considerable importance in several economic sectors at once. The automotive and fuel industry sees it primarily as a way to power fuel cell vehicles, whereas its main use in the natural gas industry is for grid feed-in. The diversity of applications means that different industries will employ different technological and economic strategies for utilizing hydrogen. To compare strategies and examine the combined utilization potential, the National Organization Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (NOW) and the German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water (DVGW) decided to join forces (more…)

Power-to-Gas – Microbes to Cut Costs

Power-to-Gas – Microbes to Cut Costs


Micro-organisms, © Schmack Biogas

Micro-organisms provide more flexibility than common catalysts, and the methane produced by them is relatively pure. Additionally, the investment costs for Power-to-Gas systems can be lowered by using transformers and power as well as gas network connections of already existing biogas and wastewater treatment plants. This field of study, however, still requires more research to be done, even for (more…)