
Munich’s Two Ways of H2 Refueling

Munich’s Two Ways of H2 Refueling


Thick hose for cryogenic hydrogen fuel, © BMW

The work on developing ultra-cold hydrogen was abandoned together with the H2 combustion engine in 2006 – at least, that is what everyone believed. After years of uncertainty, it is now clear that BMW is still holding on to cryogenic technology. Proof of that is the inauguration of a new pump at the multi-energy refueling station in Munich, at which drivers can fill up both their compressed gas and their ultra-cold H2 tanks. (more…)

BMW Presents New 5 Series Boasting Fuel-Cell Engine

BMW Presents New 5 Series Boasting Fuel-Cell Engine


Fill it up, please! © BMW

This summer car manufacturer BMW presented a new vehicle driven by a fuel cell. In Miramar in the south of France, the Bavarian company revealed their new BMW 5 Series Gran Turismo (GT) on the first of July 2015. The car is a showcase vehicle, which was developed in cooperation with Toyota and is planned for mass production by 2020. (more…)