
Using hydrogen in freight transport

Using hydrogen in freight transport

From left to right, Christoph Burkard, Caroline Schäfer, from Landesstelle Wasserstoff of LEA Hessen, and Matthias von der Malsburg, also with LEA Hessen, © Region Fulda

Christoph Burkard, Caroline Schäfer & Matthias v.d. Malsburg, © Region Fulda

During a media-effective ceremony on May 12th, 2022 at the event hotel Titanic on the Chausseestraße in Berlin, NOW GmbH together with German transport minister Volker Wissing cheerfully presented the funding decisions for the new HyStarter Regions and the participants in the second round of the HyExperts program. A good two years before, Martin Thaler, as the representative from the city of Fulda, likewise stood onstage in Berlin to accept funding from the federal transport minister, then Andreas Scheuer. It was 300,000, an outcome from the first call for HyExpert Regions. What has happened in the meantime? What is special about Hydrogen Region Fulda? (more…)

Building a hydrogen economy on the Baltic Sea coast

Building a hydrogen economy on the Baltic Sea coast

Ideas map, © LEKA


Fifth part of the Regions series: HyStarter Rügen-Stralsund

What role can the production of green hydrogen play in the future for regional added value creation in a rural, structurally weak, but large area region with a high share of renewable energy production capacities? Which generation paths make sense at different locations, and which framework conditions must be fulfilled in order to achieve this? Where is there potential for hydrogen applications in the district of Vorpommern-Rügen? With these questions in mind, the HyStarter Region Rügen-Stralsund started a one-year strategy process in December 2019 to develop a vision, define fields of action, analyse selected locations and technology concepts, and adopt a roadmap until 2030 that describes a whole bundle of measures to be implemented in the future. (more…)

Number of HyStarter applications now at 65

Number of HyStarter applications now at 65


HyStarter remains as popular as ever. Like the competition’s first round, the second attracted the interest of much more organizations than the German transportation ministry was able to fund. By May 14, the ministry’s NOW office had received 65 applications for funding local hydrogen economies as part of the HyLand program. Few of the organizations had already applied the first time around.

The birth of a hydrogen economy

The birth of a hydrogen economy


When the Cottbus chamber of industry and commerce (IHK) and the regional economic development agency of Lausitz (WRL) announced they had submitted a bid to the German transportation ministry to be part of the HyStarter innovation cluster program, …

HyStarter is started

HyStarter is started

All the happy HyExperts- and HyPerformer-winner
All the happy HyExperts- and HyPerformer-winner, © NOW

At the beginning of July 2019, the HyStarter tender was decided. Nine regions have been awarded the contract and will receive support for their entry into hydrogen and fuel cell technology as part of the HyLands overarching funding project. In the future, their concepts will also serve as a blueprint to inspire other regions.
