by Hydrogeit | Sep 21, 2022 | Germany
The future of the DZM, a national center for future mobility, is more than unknown. The homepage currently only states: “The Deutsche Zentrum Mobilität der Zukunft (DZM) will be restructured and expanded in accordance with the agenda of the new federal administration.” (more…)
by Hydrogeit | Jul 11, 2022 | Germany

ZBT managing director Peter Beckhaus
The center for fuel cell technology in Duisburg (Zentrum für BrennstoffzellenTechnik Duisburg, ZBT) used Hannover Messe as a platform to announce the name of the new ITZ center (Innovations- und Technologiezentrum für Wasserstoff, see H2-international Feb. 2022) planned for location in Nordrhein-Westfalen: TrHy. For the time being, Joachim Jungsbluth, head of fuel cell testing at the ZBT, stands ready in a three-member team as the contact point. (more…)