
Bloom Energy – Very satisfying investor day

Bloom Energy – Very satisfying investor day

250-kW station at American broadcast company NBC, © Bloom

250-kW station at American broadcast company NBC, © Bloom

The future prospects of Bloom are fully intact and unchanged (over 30% growth p. a.) and allow for a very positive outlook: for 2022, over 1.1 billion USD turnover, cash flow positive, gross profit margin of 24% and on the way to the profit zone with strongly increasing backlog of orders and new complementary fields of activity (e.g. electrolysis). The first quarter, with a turnover of 201 million USD and a stated loss of 78.4 million USD (contains 26.3 million USD stock-based compensation), or minus 0.44 USD per share (GAAP), was disappointing at first glance. Large material deliveries to key customer SK ecoplant in South Korea was one reason for it. (more…)

Bloom Energy – Growth rate accelerates

Bloom Energy – Growth rate accelerates

Bloom Boxes at the SK Group , © Bloom

Bloom Boxes at the SK Group , © Bloom

What an outstanding view K. R. Sridhar, CEO of Bloom Energy, describes: Bloom is on track to achieve annual growth of up to 35 percent instead of the previous 25 to 30 percent, as the company is optimally positioned – technologically and in terms of business model – in H2 energy markets around the world. (more…)