
Desalination for future offshore wind farms

Desalination for future offshore wind farms

Pilot plant for producing hydrogen from seawater in the port of Texel island, the Netherlands, © Hydron Energy

Pilot plant for producing hydrogen from seawater, © Hydron Energy

A consortium has shown that it’s possible to extract climate-neutral hydrogen from seawater. Involved in the SEA2H2 project are automotive and industrial supplier Schaeffler, the startup Hydron Energy, which joined the Schaeffler Group in summer 2021, and Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, or WFBR for short, which is in turn part of Wageningen University. (more…)

Visions for Heligoland

Visions for Heligoland

AquaCampus research platform, © AquaVentus Association

© AquaVentus Association

Electrolytic green hydrogen from offshore wind

Heligoland could, in future, become the new focal point for offshore hydrogen from the North Sea. The remote German island occupies a strategic central position in the German Bight and has excellent port infrastructure, making it ideally placed for a proposed hydrogen hub and liquid carrier supply chain. Under the multipart AquaVentus scheme, initiatives will be rolled out that incorporate the entire hydrogen value chain, including transportation to the mainland. (more…)