
Where we are is way ahead

Where we are is way ahead

HyStarters and HyExperts of round 2

HyStarters and HyExperts of round 2

On May 12th, 2022, German transport minister Dr. Volker Wissing set off the next round of the HyLand program. Representatives from each of the 15 HyStarter and HyExpert Regions came to Berlin to hear the funding decisions from the ministry for transport and digital infrastructure (Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr, BMDV). In addition, Wissing announced another call for HyPerformer Regions – also for this year. (more…)

It may be a jarring change

It may be a jarring change

H2 stationDear Readers!

The discussion about rising energy prices is taking on ever greater dimensions. Now, German economic minister Robert Habeck wants to grant the German competition regulation agency (Bundeskartellamt) new rights. Swift to oppose such alleged unconstitutionality is not only Handelsverband Deutschland (the general association for commerce in Germany). (more…)

Alina Hain becomes NOW COO

Alina Hain becomes NOW COO

Portrait Alina Hain, © NOW


NOW GmbH (Nationale Organisation Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellentechnologie), the German organization for hydrogen and fuel cells, is getting a new head of business. On April 25th, 2022, Alina Hain is taking over the position of managing director and chief operating officer (COO). Spokesman of the managing board remains Kurt-Christoph von Knobelsdorff. (more…)

Wilhelm moves to the DVGW

Wilhelm moves to the DVGW

Portrait Tilman Wilhelm


Since April 2022, the former head of communications at the German national organization for hydrogen and fuel cells (Nationale Organisation Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellentechnologie GmbH, NOW) has been working at the German association for gas and water standards (Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches e.V., DVGW). Tilman Wilhelm, who had been responsible for the public image of NOW since 2008, henceforth works as head of regulatory policy, press and public relations at the trade association. Dr. Gerald Linke, managing director of the DVGW, said, “With Tilman Wilhelm, a proven hydrogen and mobility expert with excellent political connections in Berlin and on the EU level is taking over responsibility for communications at the DVGW.” (more…)

Is Plug Power helping the German intralogistics industry get going?

Is Plug Power helping the German intralogistics industry get going?

pic. special stations that can supply 120 fuel cell forklifts per day, © Calvera

Powered industrial trucks are available with diesel, liquid gas and electric drives. For some years now, in addition to rechargeable batteries for electric forklifts and palette jacks, there has also been the possibility of using a hydrogen tank together with a fuel cell. This has been done a zillion times as well in North America. In Europe, the number of hydrogen-powered vehicles remains in the three-digit range. Now, Plug Power is planning to establish a European center in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Is this the starting signal for the upscaling of fuel cell forklifts in the European Union? (more…)