
The bigger picture brings greater justice

The bigger picture brings greater justice

Future accounting calculates sustainability

Christian Hiß
Hiss: “They key is to change the way we account for profits and losses.”

Money makes the world go round. Companies seek to maximize profits, countries their GDPs. In both cases, we are dealing with figures in dollars, euros or some other currency. But what about values or services without a price tag? Such as employee health. The advice and expertise of colleagues freshly retired. What is the long-term cost of cutting down a forest? How expensive is sustainable (or industrial) farming? So far, most accounting revolves solely around financial issues.

Kapferer Succeeds Müller

Kapferer Succeeds Müller


© BDEW/Scheuring

A former state secretary with the German health ministry succeeds a former state secretary for the chancellor – albeit not politically but in a lobby group. Hildegard Müller, who became a member of the German parliament in 2002 and worked closely with Chancellor Angela Merkel between 2005 and 2008, stepped down from her post as chair of the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW) at the end of January this year. (more…)