
No-cost land for hydrogen station

No-cost land for hydrogen station


Uncomplicated hydrogen refueling, © Shell

Late last November, the total number of hydrogen filling stations in Germany stood at 35, prompting a statement from NOW that the expansion of the refueling grid was making significant progress. Rhineland-Palatinate’s first public hydrogen station, which had received around EUR 900,000 from the federal transportation ministry, had just been inaugurated in Koblenz (more…)

Germany Approves EUR 250M H2 and FC Budget

Germany Approves EUR 250M H2 and FC Budget

NIP_LOGOAs announced previously, the German federal transport ministry BMVI has launched its subsidy program to start up the market for hydrogen and fuel cell products in transportation. The first stage of the National Innovation Program Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology, or NIP for short, supported research and development activities as well as demonstration projects and came to an end last year. (more…)