
New call for FC forklifts

New call for FC forklifts

BZ forklift fleet from Still near Carrefour in Vendin-Le-Vieil, France.
BZ forklift fleet from Still near Carrefour in Vendin-Le-Vieil, France, © Carrefour

For years there has been a discrepancy in the hydrogen sector between North America and Europe: Over on the other side of the Atlantic, fuel cell-powered industrial trucks are enjoying great popularity, while their number in Germany is more in keeping with homoeopathic doses.

Japan: Forcing the SOFC technology

Japan: Forcing the SOFC technology


Hama-Wind-Turbine in Yokohama, © Toyota

In December 2017, there were 91 public hydrogen refueling stations operating in Japan, with another 10 in development, putting the country well on its way to its short-term goal of 160 by 2020. The deployment of stations has been one of Japan’s hydrogen success stories, despite daunting costs and a lack of initial demand. (more…)