
Herdan now developing e-fuel projects

Herdan now developing e-fuel projects

Portrait: Thorsten Herdan, © HIF EMEA


Thorsten Herdan has worked for the German economic ministry for 8 years. Now, he’s moving to HIF Global. The mechanical engineer’s foray into politics lasted until January 2022. Mid-May, the e-fuel development company appointed Herdan the managing director of HIF EMEA. (more…)

Technology Rollout Program Not Before Mid-2016

Technology Rollout Program Not Before Mid-2016


Thorsten Herdan, © BMWi

Most of his working life, Thorsten Herdan held jobs in the industry developing combustion technology. After having been elected secretary-general of the International Council on Combustion Engines, the mechanical engineer also served as chair of the Research Association for Combustion Engines for fourteen years. Since 1999, he has headed Power Systems, a sector group of the German Engineering Federation – from 2000 on, he has been responsible for Energy Policy there as well. (more…)
