
The ramp-up of a global hydrogen economy

The ramp-up of a global hydrogen economy

Graph 1-22, ©

Graph 1-22, ©

At the start of 2021, we were still seeing a real hype around hydrogen stocks. Then came a powerful backlash. I see this as a healthy correction to a short-term overheating that is now clearly bottoming out. Despite prices retreating recently, it will result in a stable upward trend in the long run for these stocks in 2022. Still, the plans being announced across the world at present to expand the hydrogen economy are triggering a kind of gold rush. And it is not just the many conferences, strategies and projects that are contributing to this picture but the specific intentions of numerous countries and companies to use technology to combat climate change too. (more…)

Tesla: Much Hype – Much Disagreement Among Analysts

Tesla: Much Hype – Much Disagreement Among Analysts


Model X, © Tesla

Many big boys – as the leading US investment banks are called – have given Tesla an unquestionably positive rating. CEO Elon Musk understands how to polarize as well as convince analysts, but at the end of the day only hard facts count. The Credit Suisse analyst specializing in the field already expects a profit of US$ 4.00 per share for fiscal year 2016, since there had allegedly been so many orders for Model X, which would impact earnings. (more…)

Teslas Powerwall battery causes hype

Teslas Powerwall battery causes hype


Tesla Home Battery Powerwall (Source: Tesla)

Tesla (TSLA, US$245.00) has many friends in the offices of major banks and leading broking firms on the stock exchange. This is not only expressed in the market price, and especially the strong price increases in recent weeks (over 20%), but in many favorable comments and classifications. At the same time, there has been heavy speculation on falling prices when one looks at the number of short-sold shares (short interest) which is hovering around 24 million shares – with approx. 95 million shares which can be traded freely (approx. 124 million shares are outstanding).

Recently, the announcement of a new, high performance battery with the name PowerWall has recently caused a stir and resulted in strongly (more…)