
Business entry in the H2-international company directory

Fraunhofer ISE

Fraunhofer ISE
Heidenhofstrasse 2
79110 Freiburg, Germany
Phone +49-(0)761- 4588-5208, Fax -9202

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Further information:

Hydrogen Technologies

We conduct research on the production, conversion and further thermochemical processing of hydrogen. In the context of the increasing importance of green hydrogen as a fuel, we led the work on the Fraunhofer Hydrogen Roadmap last year and surveyed the potential in our region within the project “H2-SO – Hydrogen Technologies in the Southern Upper Rhine”. With regard to hydrogen production, we are concentrating on polymer-electrolyte membrane electrolysis (PEM). We also apply PEM technology to develop fuel cell systems, particularly for the  mobility sector. In the “HyFab” project, we are investigating automated production and quality control processes for the industrial production of fuel cells. Based on thermo-chemical processes, we synthesize liquid fuels and chemicals from hydrogen and carbon dioxide (power-to-liquids). One example is our new miniature plant for methanol synthesis.

Electrical Energy Storage

For battery materials, cells, modules and systems, we investigate new material combinations, cell architecture and manufacturing processes, construction and interconnection technology, formation, aging and characterization. We are participating in the project “Research Fab Battery Cells” (FFB), which aims to expand German battery research and is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF). Accreditation of our battery testing laboratory by DAkkS (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle) is planned for 2021. The laboratory is part  of the “Development and test center for batteries and energy storage systems” in the Haidhaus in Freiburg, which is supported by the State Ministry for Economics, Labor and Housing in Baden-Württemberg and the BMBF. We also develop complete prototypes and accompany our partners  with integration into extremely diverse applications and the corresponding quality assurance. Examples include stationary battery storage units that are used commercially or industrially, as well as applications for electromobility, covering the whole range up to the electrification or hybridization of ships.

Our Services: Hydrogen Technologies and Electrical Energy Storage
Posted in the category: Research & Development