H2-international – Newsletter
2016 – The Year After Break-Even
The fuel-cell companies quoted on the stock exchange have used 2015 perfectly to strengthen their market positions. These efforts have resulted in more orders, improved balance sheets, increased capital and some very important strategic collaborations as well trendsetting product developments. This lets us conclude for 2016 that probably most of these companies – if not … Read more
Ballard: Year of the “Right” and “Sustainable” Growth
Ballard Power is placing a bigger focus on China, evidenced by the various agreements with Chinese companies from the field of bus manufacturing and the development of hydrogen-driven rail vehicles. According to company information, the Canadian fuel-cell manufacturer paid special attention to only collaborate with known, reputable partners, whether big or small, which enjoy their … Read more
Tesla: Much Hype – Much Disagreement Among Analysts
Many big boys – as the leading US investment banks are called – have given Tesla an unquestionably positive rating. CEO Elon Musk understands how to polarize as well as convince analysts, but at the end of the day only hard facts count. The Credit Suisse analyst specializing in the field already expects a profit … Read more
It is Time to Act – Thoughts on the German Strategy
Dear Reader, I would like to present you with some short number examples: The German Callux program installed 474 fuel-cell heating systems within eight years; the original target was 800. Japan currently has over 140,000 of these systems. The German 50 Filling Station program was supposed to set up 50 H2 filling stations until the … Read more
H2 Mobility Officially Launched
Oct. 13, 2015, was the official start of activities for H2 Mobility Germany. After the joint-venture consisting of six industry partners had already been founded in January last year (see July 2015), the joint launch came in fall in the presence of the Federal Minister of Transport, Alexander Dobrindt, and all company representatives. This meant … Read more
Sabine Kauper Is Heliocentris’ New CFO
At the end of last year, Heliocentris Energy Solutions selected Sabine Kauper to become CFO of the company. Having graduated in business administration, she has been specializing in taxation and auditing and assumed her new position at the Berlin-based fuel-cell manufacturer on Jan. 1, 2016. She has filled the gap left by her predecessor, Andras … Read more
WindGas Project in Hamburg-Reitbrook in Operation
Hamburg-Reitbrook is home to what many consider an extremely compact and efficient Power-to-Gas plant: the WindGas system. It was inaugurated on Oct. 15, 2015, after being set up by a company consortium during a three-year preparation period under the auspices of an NIP subsidy project. Both Hamburg’s First Mayor, Olaf Scholz, and the Parliamentary State … Read more
Change in personnel at the beginning of the year at Clean Energy Partnership (CEP): Patrick Schnell, who had worked at the organization since it started out as a demonstration project (which succeeded the Verkehrswirtschaftliche Energiestrategie or VES in 2002), handed over his chairmanship of CEP to Thomas Bystry. Schnell, whose primary employment is managing the … Read more
Heinz Günter “HG” Klug Is Dead
Dr. Heinz Günter Klug passed away last fall. On Oct. 12, 2015, the long-time pioneer of hydrogen technology died at the age of 78. The mechanical engineer, who was born in Mainz, provided important contributions to hydrogen engine testing for aircrafts during his time as project head at Airbus. Twenty years ago, he was one … Read more
DWV to Pave the Way for Green Hydrogen
The parliamentary evening organized each year by the German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (DWV) was held at the British embassy in Berlin in mid-November of 2015. More members of parliament than ever showed up to the event dedicated to Green Hydrogen for an Efficient Energy Transformation … Read more
There is the next step after introducing the electric vehicle bill (in force since June 12, 2015): Since the end of September last year, i.e., as long as the relevant amendment has been in effect, owners of electric cars have been able to apply for special license plates. The black E after the number on … Read more
Launch of Emission-Free Passenger Aircraft Hy4
A unique aircraft with a distinctive design and innovative engine technology – that is how one could sum up the features of the Hy4, which the German Aerospace Center (DLR) had already showcased at the World of Energy Solutions on Oct. 12, 2015. The new concept study was presented by project head Professor Josef Kallo, … Read more
World of Energy Solutions 2015 in Stuttgart
When the World of Energy Solutions took place in Stuttgart from Oct. 12 to 14, 2015, the emission scandal surrounding Volkswagen was still a fresh memory. The #dieselgate was the topic of many conversations and even an issue in a lot of the presentations held at the trade show. During his opening speech, Franz Untersteller, … Read more
- February 4th to 5th 2016, HyVolution, in Paris, France, www.hyvolution.fr
- February 16th to 18th 2016, E-world energy & water, in Essen, Germany, www.e-world-essen.com
- March 2nd to 4th 2016, International Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Expo, at Tokyo Big
Sight, Japan, www.fcexpo.jp
- March 15th to 17th 2016, Energy Storage Europe, Düsseldorf, Germany, www.energy-storage-online.com
- March 15th to 17th 2016, International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES
2016), Düsseldorf, Germany, www.eurosolar.de
- March 16th 2016, 5th Conference Power-to-Gas & Power-to-X for Europe’s Energy
Transition, at Messe Düsseldorf, Germany, www.otti.eu
- April 13th to 14th 2016, Grove Conference Fuel Cells Science and Technology, in
Glasgow, United Kingdom, organised by Elsevier, www.fuelcelladvances.com
- April 25th to 29th 2016, Group Exhibit Hydrogen + Fuel Cells + Batteries, in
Hannover, Germany, www.h2fc-fair.com, www.hannovermesse.com
- April 27th to 28th 2016, Electric Vehicles Europe 2016, in Berlin, Germany, www.idtechex.com/electric-vehicles-europe
- June 13th to 16th 2016, World Hydrogen Energy Conference 2016, in Zaragoza, Spain, www.whec2016.com
AREVA H2Gen GmbH, Maarweg 137, 50825 Cologne, Germany, Phone +49-(0)221-888244-88, Fax -67, www.arevah2gen.com
Diamond Lite S.A., Rheineckerstr. 12, PO Box 9, 9425 Thal, Switzerland, Phone +41-(0)71-880020-0, Fax -1, diamondlite@diamondlite.com, www.diamondlite.com
Hydrogenics GmbH, Am Wiesenbusch 2, 45966 Gladbeck, Germany, Phone +49-(0)2043-944 141, Fax -6, hydrogensales@hydrogenics.com, www.hydrogenics.com
Proton OnSite, 10 Technology Dr, 06492 Wallingford CT, USA, Phone +1-203-678-2000,
info@protononsite.com, www.protononsite.com
Energy Storage
- GKN Powder Metallurgy, GKN Sinter Metals, PO Box 55, Ipsley House, United Kingdom – Redditch B98 0TL, Worcestershire, www.gkn.com/sintermetals
Hydrogenious Technologies GmbH, Weidenweg 13, 91058 Erlangen, Germany, Phone
+49-(0)9131-12640-220, Fax -29, www.hydrogenious.net
Event Organizers
22nd Group Exhibit Hydrogen + Fuel Cells + Batteries, HANNOVER MESSE 2016, April 25 – 29, Tobias Renz FAIR, Phone +49-(0)30-60984556, tobias@h2fc-fair.com, www.h2fc-fair.com
- GL events Exhibitions, 59, quai Rambaud, CS 50056, 69285 Lyon Cedex 02, France, Phone +33-(0)478-17633-0, Fax -2, www.gl-events.com
Fuel Cells
FuelCell Energy Solutions GmbH,
Winterbergstr. 28, 01277 Dresden, Germany, Phone +49-351-2553739-0, Fax -1, www.fces.de, Stationary fuel cells for commercial and industry: CHP solutions, hydrogen production and power storage
- Heliocentris Energy Solutions AG, Rudower Chaussee 29, 12489 Berlin, Germany, Phone
+49-(0)30-340601-500, Fax -599, info@heliocentris.com, www.heliocentris.com
Fueling-Recirculation and Air-Supply
Busch Clean Air S.A., Chemin des Grandes-Vies 54, 2900 Porrentruy, Switzerland, Phone +41 (0)32-46589-60, Fax -79, info@buschcleanair.com, www.buschcleanair.com
Hydrogen Distribution
Hydrogenious Technologies GmbH, Weidenweg 13, 91058 Erlangen, Germany, Phone
+49-(0)9131-12640-220, Fax -29, www.hydrogenious.net
Wystrach GmbH, Industriestraße 60, Germany – 47652 Weeze, Phone +49-(0)2837-9135-0, Fax -30, www.wystrach-gmbh.de
Membrane and Separator
FuMA-Tech Gesellschaft für funktionelle Membranen und Anlagentechnologie mbH,
Carl-Benz-Str. 4, 74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany, Phone +49-(0)7142-3737-900, Fax -999, www.fumatech.com
Plansee SE, Bipolar Plates, Interconnects and Metal Supported Cells, 6600 Reutte, Austria, Phone +43-(0)5672-600-2422, www.plansee.com
German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association, Deutscher Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellen-Verband e.V. (DWV), Moltkestr. 42, 12203 Berlin, Germany, Phone +49-(0)30-398209946-0, Fax -9, www.dwv-info.de
- hySOLUTIONS GmbH, Steinstrasse 25, 20095 Hamburg, Germany, Phone +49-(0)40-3288353-2, Fax -8, hysolutions-hamburg.de
National Organisation Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (NOW GmbH), Fasanenstr. 5, 10623 Berlin, Germany, Phone +49-(0)30-3116116-15, Fax -99, www.now-gmbh.de
- WS Reformer GmbH, Dornierstraße 14, 71272 Renningen, Germany, Phone +49-(0)7159-163242, Fax -2738, www.wsreformer.com
Research & Development
- Fraunhofer ICT-IMM, Reformer and Heat Exchanger, Carl-Zeiss-Str. 18-20, 55129 Mainz, Germany, Phone +49-(0)6131-9900, info@imm.fraunhofer.de, www.imm.fraunhofer.de
Fraunhofer ISE, Heidenhofstrasse 2, 79110 Freiburg, Germany, Phone +49-(0)761-4588-5202, Fax -9202, www.h2-ise.de
- Anleg GmbH, Advanced Technology, Am Schornacker 59, 46485 Wesel, Germany,
Phone 0281-206526-0, Fax -29, www.anleg-gmbh.de
- Borit NV, Bipolar plates and interconnects, Lammerdries 18e, 2440 Geel, Belgium, Phone +32-(0)14-25090-0, Fax -9, contact@borit.be, www.borit.be
HIAT gGmbH, Schwerin, Germany, CCMs / MEAs / GDEs for PEFC, DMFC & PEM-Electrolysis, www.hiat.de
WEKA AG, Schuerlistr. 8, 8344 Baeretswil, Switzerland, Phone +41-(0)43-833434-3, Fax -9, info@weka-ag.ch, www.weka-ag.ch
System Integration
Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt
(DLR) / German Aerospace Center, Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics Energy System Integration, Pfaffenwaldring 38-40, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany, Phone +49-(0)711-6862-672, Fax -747, www.dlr.de/tt
FLEXIVA automation & Robotik GmbH, Power Electronics – Hybrid Energy System Solutions, Weißbacher Str. 3, 09439 Amtsberg, Germany, Phone +49-(0)37209-671-0, Fax -30, www.flexiva.eu
- TesTneT Engineering GmbH, Schleissheimer Str. 95, 85748 Garching / Munich, Germany, Phone +49-(0)89-237109-39, info@h2-test.net, www.h2-test.net
Bürkert Werke GmbH, Mass Flow Controllers, Christian-Bürkert-Str. 13-17, 74653 Ingelfingen, Germany, Phone +49-(0)7940-10-0, Fax -91204, www.burkert.com
OMB Saleri SpA, Via Rose di Sotto 38/c – 25126 Brescia, Italy, hydrogen@omb-saleri.it, www.omb-saleri.it
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Free tickets or special discount only for H2-international subscribers:
- Free tickets / Discount for the trade show & conference: Hyvolution, from February 4th to 5th 2016, in Paris, France, www.hyvolution.fr
- 50% Discount for the trade show: E-world energy & water, from February 16th to 18th 2016, in Essen, Germany, www.e-world-essen.com
- 10% Discount for the conference: Energy Storage Europe, from March 15th to 17th 2016, in Düsseldorf, Germany, www.energy-storage-online.com
- 10% Discount for the conference: Power to Gas and Power-to-X for Europe’s energy Transition, from March 16th 2016, in Düsseldorf, Germany, www.otti.eu
- Special 30% Discount for the conference: Electric Vehilces Europe, from April 27th to 28th 2016, in Berlin, Germany, www.idtechex.com/electric-vehicles-europe/
Please contact H2-international for more details.
H2-international – Hydrogeit Verlag, Sven Geitmann, Gartenweg 5, 16727 Oberkraemer, Germany, Tel: +49 (0)33055-21322, Fax: +49 (0)33055-21320
E-Mail: info@h2-international.com, Homepages: www.h2-international.com & www.hydrogeit-verlag.de, UID/VAT: DE221143829