The German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water (DVGW) presented a new study during the gas industry discussion forum, gat 2015, on Oct. 27, 2015. The new document says that “the existing natural gas infrastructure is generally suited for adding one to nine per cent hydrogen.” In Essen, the association presented results from its research conducted under the auspices of the DVGW research project Hydrogen Tolerance of Natural Gas Infrastructure and Associated Facilities.
During the project, the authors of the study investigated a gas grid consisting of polyethylene pipes before and during feed-in. The researchers did not find any irregularities, although the mixture contained up to nine volume percent of hydrogen. Nevertheless, there is more research needed, especially regarding natural gas reservoirs, gas turbines and natural gas tanks of cars. According to DVGW, “the 500,000 kilometers of natural gas pipelines in Germany are very well suited for the feed-in and storage of hydrogen from renewable electricity.”