In early December 2016, Energy Saxony elected a new board during its general assembly meeting. The state energy technology association is now headed by Mandy Schipke, CEO of Novum engineering, and Frank Arnold, manager at Energie Sachsen Ost and Stadtwerke Dresden. The other newly elected members to the board were Dietmar Lauter, WISAG, Mareike Wolter, IKTS, and Thilo Bocklisch, professor at TU Dresden. They succeed Christian von Olshausen, sunfire, Christian Wunderlich, IKTS, Andreas Frömmel, FuelCell Energy Solutions, and Sebastian Hesse, NARVA. Schipke described Energy Saxony as “the place where Saxony’s energy industry, science and politics meet,” with a new, extended focus not only on stationary fuel cell applications, but also other parts of the industry. Von Olshausen: “After four years of successfully establishing Energy Saxony, it was time to let a new board take over.”

Energy Saxony: New Management

Energy Saxony: New Management
Kategorien: Germany
Andreas Frömmel | CEO | FuelCell Energy Solutions | Management | Mandy Schipke | Novum | Saxony :Schlagworte
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