
A guide to hydrogen innovations


July 21, 2021

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A guide to hydrogen innovations

Where have we made considerable progress in developing hydrogen technology? In what market are there still hurdles to overcome? Where do we still need to remove roadblocks to innovation? Answering questions like these is the task of Hydrogen Compass, a two-year project launched by the German education and economy ministries and funded with EUR 4.2 million.

As part of a large-scale communications campaign, the project team will structure available information about hydrogen technology in a way that helps the hydrogen and fuel cell sector achieve rapid progress while not losing sight of the environmental, economic and social aspects of technology advancements. Coordinated by acatech and DECHEMA, the project will most likely also receive input from the National Hydrogen Council and the Hydrogen Research Network.

“Research and innovation will remain key to turning Germany into a climate-neutral hub for cutting-edge technology,” German economy minister Peter Altmaier said. “To achieve this, we’ll have to come up with a hydrogen roadmap that can serve us in the long term. We need innovative ideas. But we also need to make sure those ideas make it from the lab to the market. This is where Hydrogen Compass could be a great help to us.”

Kategorien: Germany
compass | DECHEMA | German | hydrogen :Schlagworte

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  1. William C. Knapp

    BIO-H2-GEN INC. is in Development and commercialization [D&C] mode and, does not have a revenue stream nor paid employees. We were registered as an Ontario, Canada Corporation on September 28, 2007. Attempts to secure government support for a phase 2 pilot plant has not been successful due primarily to being a fundamental R&D company without a revenue stream.

    However, close friends and relatives provided the financial support that enabled the inventor to conduct his essential R&D program. With prudence he built a small laboratory (see attached Appendix A) and conducted a successful batch electrochemical experiment using a novel twinned glass apparatus, of the inventor’s design and fabrication (see attached Appendix B). It provided proof-of-concept which has resulted in a USA Patent #10,323,328 Granted June 18, 2019 with 19 process claims. An examiner of the application to The International Patent Cooperation Treaty (IPCT), characterized the technology as novel, inventive, and applicable worldwide.

    We are currently prepared to conduct our phase 2 program that will provide proof-of-concept for the continuous production of “zero-carbon-footprint” hydrogen gas [H2]. Our target is the ubiquitous dissolved hydrogen sulphide (H2S) that permeates, all global municipalities that have existing wastewater treatment infrastructure. With continuous removal of the hydrogen from the H2S there is simultaneous reduction of the need and the costs associated with the city’s treating for H2S.

    Global interest, in carbon-free-hydrogen, is increasing exponentially and we expect to finally secure support for our essential R&D phase 2. We prefer an equity partner with the needed resources, proven expertise and a willingness, as an executive director, to contribute in establishing the appropriate decisions for moving us forward in an expeditious and cost-effective manner.

    With secured phase 2 CapEx & OpEx our R&D, within 18 to 36 months, we will produce proof-of-concept for continuous 24/7 production of hydrogen gas. Further R&D, phase 3, will establish the required engineering scale-up data for full production facilities. We will prove to be the most cost-effective source of hydrogen and whereby we anticipate an impressive return on investment. Energy to remove hydrogen from water is 486kJ/mol whereas for hydrogen sulphide, H2S, it requires less energy at 344 kJ/mol. In addition to that benefit our US patented “KNAPP PROCESS[™]” was granted June 18th 2019 with 19 process claims. My laboratory batch experiment increased the yield of hydrogen, at the cathode. by 38.5%. There is a further cost effective aspect of the “KNAPP PROCESS[™]” which is a significant reduction in the municipality’s cost in the treatment of hydrogen sulphide and the replacement of the sulphuric acid eroded infrastructure. Our website is down for updating.

  2. William C. Knapp

    7.5 million USD can fund a 36-month program for proof-of-concept for continuous 24/7 production of zero-carbon hydrogen gas. The KNAPP PROCESS{TM} will, simultaneously, reduce aqueous H2S treatment costs while enabling wastewater solids to contain solid sulphur whereby establishing excellent fertilizer for agricultural use on needed crops like wheat and canola. [William C. Knapp]


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