
Hyundai’s New Fuel Cell Car Ready in 2018


October 2, 2017

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Hyundai’s New Fuel Cell Car Ready in 2018


Next-Gen Fuel Cell SUV, © Hyundai

Not only has the second generation of Hyundai’s fuel cell car been unveiled earlier than expected, the price has already been set as well. The first event featuring the Next Gen Fuel Cell was moved up half a year and took place in mid-August in South Korea’s capital Seoul. The car scheduled to hit the market in early 2018 will cost EUR 54,000 (USD 62,712) outside South Korea, where incentives will push it down to EUR 29,000 (USD 33,596). That’s 20 percent below the price tag of the previous model, ix35 Fuel Cell. Improvements include an extended range of 800 kilometers or 497 miles on one tank and increases in efficiency (60 percent) and power output.

The five-seat FCEV offers a 100-kilowatt fuel cell (electric engine: 120 kilowatts), a 2-kilowatt-hour lithium-ion battery, an automated parking assist and the latest version of Hyundai’s driver assistance. Expectations are that Hyundai will use the Olympic Winter Games in Pyeongchang to market the vehicle, of which the carmaker intends to produce an initial 3,600 in its factory in Chungju. One thousand units of its predecessor have so far been sold in 17 countries.


A second model that is said to get its own fuel cell option is the Genesis. A first concept study had already been showcased at the International Auto Show in New York earlier this year. The next fuel cell vehicle, the GV80, is planned for 2019. And Hyundai’s subsidiary Kia is reportedly working on its own FCV. Equipped with fuel cell technology by Hyundai, it could be ready for the market in 2020 or 2021.

Kategorien: Asia

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  1. Arno A. Evers

    Most, if not to say, all people do not have an archive.
    Because they believe in, what their smart-phone writes.
    I have one and I quite well remember, what was on display
    in the year 2005 already,
    at the Booth of the Research & Development Division for
    Hyundai Motor Company & Kia Motors Corporation, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea
    during IHEC-2005
    International Hydrogen
    Energy Congress & Exhibition in
    Istanbul, Turkey, July 13 – 15, 2005:
    And ask them and ask also yourself:
    What have those people done in the meantime, the last 12 years,
    as we now have 2017?

  2. Clay Suddath


    Archive or not, I can say that I recently rode in both the Hyundai and Mirai H2 taxes on offer by STEP in Paris.

    They are fabulous. Refilling stations are installed with more on the way. Oh, and there is refractory legislation to deal with on the way, not the least of which involve safety and REn rates, subsidies, etc.

    Yet they shall not be deterred, nor shall I. The bedazzling progress since fuel cells first went into space should be ample testimony to what is already real…and what is yet to come. An SUV consumes a lot of fuel, is well adapted to industrial use and is the logical extension of a strategy involving large-scale consumers that will ensure profitatbility for greenfield installations.

    The change is now effervescent across the H2 landscape, with legislators and major corporations finally blazing the trail to H2 mobility before our very eyes.

    Indeed, the progression has been neither linear nor predictable. Then again, neither are inspiration, invention and inspiration.

    Our patience is already being rewarded.

    And this is only the beginning.

    • Arno A. Evers

      I had a ride on both, the Hyundai and Mirai H2 at the recent Solar Exhibition
      in Las Vegas, NV, USA. On the question of the H2-filling station there,
      the representative from the organizing California Fuel Cell Partnership told me:
      “I am so sorry, there is NO h2 filing station in Nevada”
      I asked him, how the manged to let the vehicles ride on h2.
      He replied: “We had filled them up in California and transferred them to the site
      in Las Vegas by trucks (Diesel driven…).”
      After just two days of Ride and Drive, the cars were empty
      and hat to be driven back on the same trucks to California for re-filling and repair.
      So far to having a good memory.
      THE h2-future should we all have one, has to look different.

  3. Alexander Kögl

    Dear Arno,
    unfortunatly you are right. The only car producer who kept his promise from 2004/5 was Honda with its Clarity . They promised 120 cars, but only could do a fraction. Then came Obama and the Automotive Industray was saved. No more talks about selling of Opel and no more Hydrogen cars therefor they promoted Fracking. As a result Honda sacked most of the Department and other car makers put their hydrogen cars on ice.

    It was Hyundai who brought the first H2 Car in 2014 to the market which forced Toyota to bring out theirs one year later. And the Japanese Government forced Honda in doing so one Year later. So we should be thankful to the Koreans to bring us the technology which was slumbering since 2007 for another 7 years.

    But our Automotiv Industry is even worse. Mercedes is dragging on since years promissing a Hydrogen car, always comming in a few years, just to keep on selling the infamous Diesel and to tell us there is no choice. They will wake up in three years and find out that they have missed out. That means closing down 60% of Germans Industrial Output. In 2018 the third Generation of Hyundai stack is comming, Toyota will follow with a car similar. Hino will sell Buses like crazy in 2018 and the Chinese are buying everything from our crumbeling industries.

  4. Clay Suddath

    In providing any kind of assessment of the recent evolution of H2 mobility, a few underlying elements should be kept in mind.
    Energy Transition: Lest we forget, this term not only refers to a desired, future result (decarbonisation), but also to the fact that we need to free ourselves from the current, undesirable position consisting of irremediably poisoning our environment.
    The current position is the result of finely coordinated policies between petrochemical concerns and governments over the last century geared to providing mobility to the masses, which they have effectively done. This has basically resulted in humanity’s best-performing profit machine ever: the petroleum industry. While the financial profits have been absolutely mind-boggling, the ecological devastation is no longer tenable.
    One can easily imagine the board room jockeying happening worldwide against a backdrop of Dieselgate and ailing refineries. Take for example, the long-standing relationship between oil producers & refineries on the one hand and those who provide raw material for cracking, i.e. the producers of hydrogen and other gases. For a century now, these latter were positioned according to the needs of the former who were usually located according to the logistics of producing, refining and transporting petroleum products.
    Suddenly, that dynamic no longer holds for the simple reason that there is every motivation for establishing H2 production plants where the new raw material is found, i.e. beneath the sun and in the wind. Obviously, they will no longer be under the full hegemony of the refiners, technically or economically. Put bluntly, the tail is now wagging the dog. Meanwhile, hardly a day goes by without the financial pages divulging yet another takeover of an agile Ren operator by a well-capitalized operator of yesterday’s energy.
    That must certainly be disturbing for many of them.
    It is thus hardly surprising to note the countless fits and starts of automobile OEMs over the years with regard to H2. After all, their entire industry has been tooled and managed on their symbiosis with benzine and diesel. They proclaim one day that they have, “found the ultimate solution and it is hydrogen,” only to recant a few weeks later, licking their lips with Schadenfreude as they watch FC stocks melt down. Then repeat. This is an old story – General Motors’ sabotaging of public transport in the ‘50s and ‘60s is notorious. As for hydrogen, an entire sector of disinformation has evolved, particularly in the USA. Anyone who has read no more than Hydrogen for Dummies 1.0 must cringe at what they see on EV blogs written with virtually no factual basis by legions of wannabe Elon Musks.
    Yet now, Big Oil and the Dieselgate gang with bricks-&-mortar OEMs are faced with an excruciating dilemma: on the one hand, they have multi-decade investments in old technology and on the other hand, they are at the tipping point of saying, “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” Everyone wants to dance, but no one wants to be first on the floor. So who will open the dance?
    The Hydrogen Council has opened the dance. One must fight fire with fire -or- capital with capital. While it is somewhat paradoxical to meet collective objectives with capitalistic means, this is undeniably happening. For they are not the only ones to recognise that babies and bankers alike benefit from a cleaner environment.
    It is thus only logical and natural that we should read such increasing hostility from the naysayers, primarily the old guard and EV protagonists who think you just have to “plug your car into your roof and drive away…” Good news doesn’t sell, and it has always been much easier to criticise than to create.
    It is clear, as we look back on the progress of the past decade that the hydrogen economy is becoming a reality. The resiliency and growing numbers of H2 players, the increasing adoption of H2 by local, national and supra-national authorities are so many votes of confidence for the viability of the technology.
    There are simply too many intelligent scientists, concerned financiers, committed ecologists and simply human beneficiaries – not to mention capital – involved to stop the transition underway, despite conservative forces clutching hopelessly to a status quo whose time has passed. Once again, the dogs bark, the caravan passes…and this latter is H2 powered.

    • Alexander Kögl

      love this comment. would like to here more of Clay regarding H2

    • Arno A. Evers

      What does it care the moon, when the dogs are barking at him?

    • Clay Suddath

      Would be delighted to pursue the conversation.
      Is there a blog here on H2 Intl?
      Find me on LinkedIn if you like.

  5. Mark Roberts

    I just wanted to say that “What does it care the moon, when the dogs are barking at him?” is one of the best things I’ve ever read in my life.

  6. Amanda Noble

    I am happy EV technology is going forward.

  7. Darryl

    This is definitely the way every car company should strive to. Great news!

  8. Kyle Stone

    Finally! More car companies going into electric vehicles and green energy, let’s see how many more follow suit and when.


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