You don’t need to be a history buff to be drawn into this book. “Sapiens – A Brief History of Humankind” is neither a historical novel nor a tedious history book. Instead, this work by Yuval Noah Harari features a well-researched narrative that seeks to explain why we humans behave the way we do.This book isn’t an internationally acclaimed bestseller for nothing. Harari is not only able to present the entirety of human development in a highly engaging way but also makes it an entertaining read. Despite it first appearing in 2015, this book has lost nothing of its freshness. In fact, it could be said that it’s even more relevant today, offering answers to the urgent questions of our time.
Priced at EUR 14.99 for 528 pages, it’s a worthwhile investment – both financially and for the ideas it contains, even if it doesn’t explicitly delve into the subject of hydrogen. And if you liked this book, which has so far been translated into 40 languages, then you’ll certainly enjoy the other publications by this Israeli history professor.