
Building a hydrogen economy on the Baltic Sea coast

Building a hydrogen economy on the Baltic Sea coast

Ideas map, © LEKA


Fifth part of the Regions series: HyStarter Rügen-Stralsund

What role can the production of green hydrogen play in the future for regional added value creation in a rural, structurally weak, but large area region with a high share of renewable energy production capacities? Which generation paths make sense at different locations, and which framework conditions must be fulfilled in order to achieve this? Where is there potential for hydrogen applications in the district of Vorpommern-Rügen? With these questions in mind, the HyStarter Region Rügen-Stralsund started a one-year strategy process in December 2019 to develop a vision, define fields of action, analyse selected locations and technology concepts, and adopt a roadmap until 2030 that describes a whole bundle of measures to be implemented in the future. (more…)

Hydrogen from offshore wind

Hydrogen from offshore wind

Hydrogen production in the Polish Baltic Sea

Targets for wind capacity in Poland © PGEB

On Jan. 15, 2021, the second chamber of the Polish Senate passed a bill designed to facilitate the development of offshore wind power in the Polish area of the Baltic Sea. Once the bill is signed by the president of Poland it will be able to enter the statute book. In the proposed legislation the Polish government intends to offer exceptionally generous support to the offshore energy sector, with grants of up to EUR 25 billion.
