
Significant quantities of hydrogen from abroad

Significant quantities of hydrogen from abroad

Thorsten Kasten, © DWV


Membership of the German hydrogen and fuel cell association DWV is going up and up. Not only that, the difficult energy policy situation at the moment means the association is gaining in importance too. For several years the DWV has been evolving into a central industry association alongside the German gas and water industries association DVGW. In order to further improve cooperation between the two organizations, in spring 2021 the DWV executive committee selected Thorsten Kasten, at the DVGW’s suggestion, to become its second chairman (see H2-international, August 2021). H2-international spoke to Kasten during the Hannover Messe about his first year at the DWV and to Tilman Wilhelm, who from April this year has headed up the regulatory policy, press and public relations work of the DVGW, about the challenges in the energy space. (more…)

Hydrogen Manifesto signed

On October 6th, 2021, during the Green Hydrogen Forum at The smarter E Europe Restart 2021, the German hydrogen and fuel cell association DWV (Deutscher Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellen-Verband) as well as Hydrogen Europe together with the European Fuel Cell Forum published “The Green Hydrogen Manifesto.” It contains twelve demands addressed to policy-makers and governments at the EU, national and regional level. The authors’ aim is to promote the role of hydrogen as the means to a circular economy and full decarbonization and to create a sustainable hydrogen and energy economy. (more…)

DWV demands concrete roadmap for economic miracle

DWV demands concrete roadmap for economic miracle

Host Olaf Lies

Host Olaf Lies, environmental minister of Niedersachsen

On October 26th, 2021, the German national association for hydrogen and fuel cells (Deutsche Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellenverband, DWV) celebrated its 25-year anniversary at the Vertretung Niedersachsen in Berlin and appropriately held a parliamentary evening with numerous prominent participants. A central theme was that DWV has been advocating for a sustainable hydrogen and fuel cell industry since 1996 and now also expects agreement from the new federal government on a detailed, concrete roadmap for the ramp-up of an H2 economy. (more…)

Siemens Energy – One-Stop-Shopping

Siemens Energy – One-Stop-Shopping

Tarragona Chem Complex North, © Siemens Energy

Tarragona Chem Complex North, © Siemens Energy

Siemens Energy CEO Christian Bruch put it clearly in an interview to members of the German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (DWV) a few months ago: The technology group wants to be a global player in the hydrogen sector – starting with electrolysis and ending with the use of hydrogen in various markets. The group is now being expanded in this direction, although in the short term the negative influence of the wind turbine subsidiary Gamesa (67 percent share, approx. 11 billion euros stock market value; that of Siemens Energy is only approx. 9 billion euros for 22 billion euros turnover) had a negative impact on their own balance sheet – a loss of minus 307 million euros. (more…)

Kasten joins DWV’s senior leadership

Kasten joins DWV’s senior leadership

PortraitThorsten Kasten, © DWV
Thorsten Kasten, © DWV

In April, gas and water industries association DVGW tapped Thorsten Kasten, 52, to co-lead hydrogen and fuel cell organization DWV. By unanimous vote, the DWV executive committee later confirmed the DVGW’s candidate as its new co-chair of the board. Kasten now serves alongside Werner Diwald, who has led the DWV since 2014.
