
Nucleus for a European hydrogen economy

Hydrogen Regions, Part III: HyExperts in Emsland

At the opening of H2-Region Emsland’s office in Lingen’s IT complex
© H2-Region Emsland
© H2-Region Emsland

It’s no coincidence Emsland has grown to be a leading hydrogen production area in Germany. In 2018, one powerful idea took hold at local business leader’s regular meetings: Emsland as a pilot region for generating, distributing and utilizing green hydrogen. Led by Tim Husmann – head of H2-Region Emsland’s partner network and office – and backed by regional authorities and Lingen’s city council, the suggestion quickly gained political support. Today, the Emsland reputation for thrusting Germany’s energy market transformation forward with green hydrogen is a far-reaching catchword. In 2019, Lingen became a HyExperts region. Fall 2020 exuberantly launched the H2-Region Emsland project, a 15-month drive for synergy between industrial hydrogen supply and transportation solutions.
