
Number of HyStarter applications now at 65

Number of HyStarter applications now at 65


HyStarter remains as popular as ever. Like the competition’s first round, the second attracted the interest of much more organizations than the German transportation ministry was able to fund. By May 14, the ministry’s NOW office had received 65 applications for funding local hydrogen economies as part of the HyLand program. Few of the organizations had already applied the first time around.


Nucleus for a European hydrogen economy

Hydrogen Regions, Part III: HyExperts in Emsland

At the opening of H2-Region Emsland’s office in Lingen’s IT complex
© H2-Region Emsland
© H2-Region Emsland

It’s no coincidence Emsland has grown to be a leading hydrogen production area in Germany. In 2018, one powerful idea took hold at local business leader’s regular meetings: Emsland as a pilot region for generating, distributing and utilizing green hydrogen. Led by Tim Husmann – head of H2-Region Emsland’s partner network and office – and backed by regional authorities and Lingen’s city council, the suggestion quickly gained political support. Today, the Emsland reputation for thrusting Germany’s energy market transformation forward with green hydrogen is a far-reaching catchword. In 2019, Lingen became a HyExperts region. Fall 2020 exuberantly launched the H2-Region Emsland project, a 15-month drive for synergy between industrial hydrogen supply and transportation solutions.

HyStarter is started

HyStarter is started

All the happy HyExperts- and HyPerformer-winner
All the happy HyExperts- and HyPerformer-winner, © NOW

At the beginning of July 2019, the HyStarter tender was decided. Nine regions have been awarded the contract and will receive support for their entry into hydrogen and fuel cell technology as part of the HyLands overarching funding project. In the future, their concepts will also serve as a blueprint to inspire other regions.
