
Multi-energy residential systems

Multi-energy residential systems

Hydrogen storage module, © Hörmann Solartechnik

Besides replacing old devices to put in newer, more efficient ones, there also seems to be a trend toward more complex solutions. For example, Sunfire expects that at some point, entire neighborhoods will be supplied with energy through a combination of solar PV, heat pump and large fuel cell devices. These multi-energy residential systems will no longer produce heat and power for individual buildings but several residential units at once.

New gas boilers run on hydrogen

New gas boilers run on hydrogen


German consumers in need of a new heating system have expressed growing interest in home fuel cells, an assessment shared by the public hydrogen and fuel cell agency. Although there are few systems on the market these days, and pretty expensive ones at that, their numbers are rising. As it looks now, the government will continue to fund the sector for a while. The following paragraphs offer a summary of what is currently available for sale.

No more diesel fuel on board

No more diesel fuel on board

Selected Examples

A study called ShipFuel has analyzed how technically and economically feasible it is to use fuel cell systems running on electricity-derived fuels aboard inland waterway vessels by comparing them with conventional diesel engines used for ship propulsion.

The study, commissioned by the German transportation ministry, was coordinated by NOW under the auspices of the German NIP program.

HZwei turns 20

HZwei turns 20


It’s been over 20 years since the “Magazin für Wasserstoff und Brennstoffzellen” started covering the hydrogen and fuel cell sector. H2Tec, as it was called at the time, was launched by Hanover-based SunMedia Verlags GmbH at the turn of this century. In 2005, the company decided to cease publication and transfer the rights to the trade magazine to Hydrogeit Verlag, then and now Germany’s premier source for books about hydrogen and fuel cells.

Handelsblatt Energy Summit in Berlin

Handelsblatt Energy Summit in Berlin

Johannes Teyssen
Johannes Teyssen, © Dietmar Gust / Euroforum

The Handelsblatt Energy Summit, which took place in Berlin from Jan. 20 to 22, was the right kind of event to take the pulse of the energy industry. Attendees typically discuss issues that have far-reaching implications for the German market. This year, it seemed as if over 80 percent of all presentations, speeches, panel discussions and shared opinions included, at the very least, …

On to the sea

On to the sea

Hydrogen platform
Hydrogen platform, © Tractebel

Building platforms or artificial islands to produce hydrogen near wind farms is not a new idea. In the meantime, however, a growing number of organizations have announced that they intend to turn this vision into action.
