
Tesla – losses continue to pile up

Tesla – losses continue to pile up


Concept study of the new roadster, © Tesla

Tesla’s third-quarter figures didn’t merely point to poor performance – the USD 671 million loss in particular was way more than anything most analysts had predicted. Based on non-GAAP accounting, including adjustments, shares lost USD 2.92 each. GAAP, which has the more relevant figures in my opinion, showed minus USD 3.70 per share at a revenue of USD 2.98 billion, which includes SolarCity’s. (more…)

Tesla: Much Hype – Much Disagreement Among Analysts

Tesla: Much Hype – Much Disagreement Among Analysts


Model X, © Tesla

Many big boys – as the leading US investment banks are called – have given Tesla an unquestionably positive rating. CEO Elon Musk understands how to polarize as well as convince analysts, but at the end of the day only hard facts count. The Credit Suisse analyst specializing in the field already expects a profit of US$ 4.00 per share for fiscal year 2016, since there had allegedly been so many orders for Model X, which would impact earnings. (more…)

Plug Power: Such stuff as dreams are made on

Plug Power: Such stuff as dreams are made on


The NASDAQ tower with Plug Power advertising (Source: Plug Power)

At first glance, the figures for the first quarter of 2015 turned out to be disappointing: a loss of US$11.1m. with a turnover of US$9.4m. (+ 69% compared with the same quarter in the previous year). However, Plug Power  (PLUG, US$2.65) has also succeeded in generating an orders backlog of US$160m. (US$46m. in the 1st quarter, goal for this year: US$200m.). 265 GenDrive systems have been accounted for, while the accounting for a further 419 has been delayed to the second quarter. One H2 filling station has been accounted for while seven are to begin their duties in the second quarter (2014: 10 H2 filling station installation, there are to be more than 15 in 2015). As stated by the executive team during the telephone conference, the turnover is set to (more…)