
Continuous infrastructure support

Continuous infrastructure support

Lower Saxony's Environment Minister Olaf Lies (l.) inaugurated the new H2 station directly at the exhibition grounds in Laatzen during the Hanover Fair.
Lower Saxony’s Environment Minister Olaf Lies (l.) inaugurated the new H2 station directly at the exhibition grounds in Laatzen during the Hanover Fair, © Shell

Since the number of hydrogen filling stations in Germany is unstoppably approaching the three-digit range, the inauguration celebrations are becoming smaller and the press releases fewer. Most recently, numerous high-ranking industry representatives and politicians appeared at the 50th H2 station in Potsdam.

474 Fuel Cell Heating Systems after Seven Years

474 Fuel Cell Heating Systems after Seven Years


Dr. Klaus Bonhoff

Despite the fact that the envisioned number of 800 fuel cell heating systems was not even close to have been achieved, there was a lot of praise going around when the partners of the Callux project celebrated the completion of the Field Test of Residential Fuel Cells on Nov. 26, 2015. In the Erich Klausener Hall at the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) in Berlin, Parliamentary State Secretary Norbert Barthle (more…)