
The Changing Face of CEP

The Clean Energy Partnership has decided to continue work beyond the originally planned project duration (until the end of 2016). Some CEP business partners, however, have already left the consortium. CEP’s chair, Thomas Bystry, told H2-international that six businesses had left by April 2017; particularly the energy utilities no longer felt that they were sufficiently represented within the partnership. But other organizations had been joining, meaning spring time was primarily used for contract negotiations. (more…)

Germany Approves EUR 250M H2 and FC Budget

Germany Approves EUR 250M H2 and FC Budget

NIP_LOGOAs announced previously, the German federal transport ministry BMVI has launched its subsidy program to start up the market for hydrogen and fuel cell products in transportation. The first stage of the National Innovation Program Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology, or NIP for short, supported research and development activities as well as demonstration projects and came to an end last year. (more…)

Japan’s 2016 Fuel Cell Budget

Japan’s 2016 Fuel Cell Budget


Support Program to Stimulate Demand for FCVs, © HySUT

Japan’s federal R,D&D budget for the 2016 fiscal year, which starts April 1, 2016, is 37.1 billion yen (285 million Euro), according to a recent report from Technova, a Japanese advanced technology consultancy. The total includes continuing support for the successful Ene-Farm residential fuel cell program, which will support an estimated 50,000 residential installations this year. (more…)