
IfW laments ‘one-sided incentive policy favoring electric vehicles’

The IfW World Economy Institute Kiel has criticized the German government‘s Covid-19 stimulus package, saying some elements of it are “harmful.” A mid-August IfW analysis titled “Incentive boom thanks to Covid-19?” found that the “one-sided, massive incentivization of all-electric vehicles” is pushing other car markets to the sidelines. Its authors suggest eliminating EUR 4.4 billion from the stimulus package approved on June 3 “without replacing the funds with other incentives.”

A new alliance

A new alliance

S. Geitmann

Like other industries, the energy sector has seen events being postponed or cancelled, making it difficult if not impossible to unveil new products, attend discussion panels and meet new people. But the partial lockdown has also opened up some new opportunities. Thanks to greater digitalization, online product presentations can still reach a global audience, face-to-face meetings are being replaced with webinars and video conferences, and phone calls have become an even more important means to stay in touch. Additionally, fewer commutes and business trips leave more time for other things and help reduce environmentally harmful emissions.


Postponed or cancelled events

Many events that were to be held this spring have been either cancelled or postponed because of public health concerns over Covid-19. Hannover Messe and Düsseldorf-based Energy Storage Europe will only return in 2021, the latter between March 16 and 18 next year. Essen-based SHK, the largest show for heating and sanitation in Germany, has been rescheduled to take place in late summer, from Sept. 1 through 4, 2020.
