
eCarTec Is History

eCarTec Is History

emove-1-webThe eighth and last eCarTec took place in Munich, Germany, on Oct. 18 to 20 last year. There will be another conference about electric transportation in fall in the Bavarian state capital, but its new name is “eMove360°” and it will offer a wider variety of topics about “Transportation 4.0” (electric transportation, connected and autonomous driving, materials and design). (more…)

WES – Trial Run for EVS 2017

WES – Trial Run for EVS 2017


Franz Loogen, e-mobil BW, partner of WES

The World of Energy Solutions will be held this year from in Stuttgart Oct. 10 to 12. It will be viewed as a test case for the 30th Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS), which will take place in 2017 together with the WES on the trade show premises and is an annual highlight for most electric car aficionados. It’s mere speculation at this point whether some companies are saving their strength for 2017. The only thing certain up till now is that the number of 78 exhibitors one month before the event is far removed from last year’s figure (120) (more…)

eCarTec Keeps Its Name – For Now

eCarTec Keeps Its Name – For Now

eCarTecMunichExpo, Germany, has taken a small step back by retracting the name change made in summer 2016 for this year’s event, postponing the issue to 2017. A spokesperson for the Bavarian organizer explained to H2-international that the move was necessary for “legal reasons.” This means that 2016 will still see an eCarTec trade show and an eCarTec Award. (more…)