
Fundamental change

Fundamental change

Thinking sustainably about energy and agriculture

Wind turbines on a field

What a year we’ve had. Rarely has so much, in such a short time, changed in the energy sector, particularly for the hydrogen industry. For starters, we have witnessed the arrival of a national hydrogen strategy, council and office, a European Green Deal, a European Clean Hydrogen Alliance, RED II and the IPCEI Hydrogen, as well as revisions to the German EEG.

Handelsblatt Energy Summit in Berlin

Handelsblatt Energy Summit in Berlin

Johannes Teyssen
Johannes Teyssen, © Dietmar Gust / Euroforum

The Handelsblatt Energy Summit, which took place in Berlin from Jan. 20 to 22, was the right kind of event to take the pulse of the energy industry. Attendees typically discuss issues that have far-reaching implications for the German market. This year, it seemed as if over 80 percent of all presentations, speeches, panel discussions and shared opinions included, at the very least, …

Power-to-Gas – Microbes to Cut Costs

Power-to-Gas – Microbes to Cut Costs


Micro-organisms, © Schmack Biogas

Micro-organisms provide more flexibility than common catalysts, and the methane produced by them is relatively pure. Additionally, the investment costs for Power-to-Gas systems can be lowered by using transformers and power as well as gas network connections of already existing biogas and wastewater treatment plants. This field of study, however, still requires more research to be done, even for (more…)