
KnowHy – EU-wide Offer of H2 Training

KnowHy – EU-wide Offer of H2 Training

KnowHyThe success of marketing a new technology hinges on the number of people who know how to install, maintain and repair it properly. In 2014, the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking launched the KnowHy project to disseminate knowledge of fuel cell technologies that had reached near-market maturity. Supported by the European Commission’s 7th Framework Program, the project became more detailed as the years passed. Now fully developed, it will continue until 2020. (more…)

EU Adopts PACE

The EU has decided to continue subsidizing fuel cell heating systems. The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) announced that on June 1, 2016, the European Union launched the PACE project (Pathway to a Competitive European FC mCHP market) with incentives worth EUR 34 million. Its aim is to have more than 2,650 micro-CHP systems installed at non-field test customers by February 2021 to support market ramp-up. At the same time, a monitoring project should provide the feedback needed to enhance any further developments. (more…)

Incentives for 400,000 Battery and Fuel Cell Cars

Incentives for 400,000 Battery and Fuel Cell Cars


A. Dobrindt at press meeting, © BMVI

The Car Summit that took place in the chancellor’s office resulted in the creation of the long-requested economic incentive for electric cars. In Berlin on April 26, 2016, Chancellor Angela Merkel came to an agreement with the heads of the automotive companies about an “incentive lite,” to which the industry had to contribute at least half of the funding. That didn’t stop other politicians and environmental organizations from criticizing the agreement. (more…)

DWV to Pave the Way for Green Hydrogen

DWV to Pave the Way for Green Hydrogen

Research-is-greatThe parliamentary evening organized each year by the German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (DWV) was held at the British embassy in Berlin in mid-November of 2015. More members of parliament than ever showed up to the event dedicated to Green Hydrogen for an Efficient Energy Transformation. (more…)

Fuel-Cell Cars and Their GHG Emissions

Fuel-Cell Cars and Their GHG Emissions


Greenhouse gas emissions caused by production, use and disposal after one year

In 2012, the transport sector’s share in overall greenhouse gas emissions was 19.7% across the 28 member states of the European Union, making it the second-largest producer of greenhouse gases after the energy sector. To achieve the EU Commission’s climate protection targets for the transport industry, these emissions need to be lowered by 70% compared to 2008 values. The following will give an overview of how fuel-cell cars can mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in the EU up to 2050 and help achieve EU goals. The carbon footprint is (more…)