
FuelCell Energy – Where are we going?

FuelCell Energy – Where are we going?

EuroFuelCell Energy should actually have generated a quarterly turnover of over 30 million USD in the second quarter, ending April 30th (fiscal year), but it was by then only about 16 million USD with a stated loss in the amount of about 31 million USD, or minus 0.08 USD per share. The management board nevertheless believes that they are on track to achieve a turnover of 300 million USD by 2025, and 1 billion USD by 2030. The order backlog was almost unchanged at about 1.3 billion USD. In the bank lies a formidable 490 million USD, for which a multitude of share placements (64 million new shares) is responsible – in proportion to the stock exchange value of 1.4 billion USD, a healthy basis, even if the question arises as to how these share placements were justified. (more…)

FuelCell Energy – can ExxonMobil drive up the price?

With ExxonMobil, FuelCell Energy is already working nicely with regard to carbon capture. Now ExxonMobil has published a six-year plan that sees the corporation wanting to invest USD 15 billion in this area. As a result, I therefore believe that for FuelCell Energy there is potential for many a supplementary and major order. (more…)

Energy Industry Warns of Barriers to Innovation

Energy Industry Warns of Barriers to Innovation


Former economy minister Sigmar Gabriel, © Handelsblatt

The who’s who of the energy industry met in Berlin, Germany, between Jan. 24 and 26, 2017, for the 24th annual assembly of German business magazine Handelsblatt in order to discuss developments in energy policy, assess risks and opportunities and develop scenarios for the path ahead. (more…)

FuelCell Energy Teams Up with ExxonMobil

FuelCell Energy Teams Up with ExxonMobil


Carbon capture technology combined with fuel cells, © ExxonMobil

Who would have thought that the world’s largest oil corporation and biggest US gas company is having a change of heart? In May this year, ExxonMobil concluded a research agreement with FCEL to develop the carbon capture technology into something that created a “more economical pathway.” Carbon dioxide from chemical and coal plants is said to be added together with hydrogen to produce methane, which would then be converted at high efficiency into electricity and heat. What is most important here is the technology‘s economic benefit (more…)