
H2 Race Car to Compete Against Fossil Fueler

H2 Race Car to Compete Against Fossil Fueler


Forze VII, © TU Delft

The hydrogen industry isn’t new to electric race car development: As far back as 2007, the Delft University of Technology had launched Forze, a project which brought together engineers and students for the purpose of designing and constructing a fuel cell race car. The aim of the project has been to combine racing and clean technologies. (more…)

Brussels has decided on H2 fuel

Brussels has decided on H2 fuel


Oliver Weinmann requested at least a triple offsetting.

While the further development of the H2 and FC technology is diligently perfected in the laboratories and workshops using new catalyst materials or production processes, elsewhere – just as diligently – discussions are taking place about the political framework conditions. In spring 2015, it was decided in Brussels that in the future, during the refining of fuels, hydrogen which is produced from renewable energies will gain a multiple offsetting against the biofuel quota, but “only” by a factor of two and not – as requested by many – by a factor of four. (more…)