
Japan is leading in building H2-stations

Japan is leading in building H2-stations


(Source: JX Nippon Oil & Energy, Kyodo)

In the good-natured international race to deploy hydrogen fueling stations for fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV), Japan has taken a clear lead, with 74 stations approved to date, a dramatic jump from the 45 stations operating or under construction at the end of 2014. By comparison, California and Germany have about 50 stations in operation or under development. (more…)

ENE-FARM installed 120,000 residential fuel cell units

ENE-FARM installed 120,000 residential fuel cell units


Nedo, Japan, showed their first CHP fuel cell systems in Hannover 2008

Japan’s ENE-FARM program is arguably the most successful fuel cell commercialization program in the world. ENE-FARM has supported the deployment of well over 120,000 residential fuel cell units and is providing proof that long term public-private partnerships can push new technology into the marketplace. New models coming on the market in 2015 are smaller, more efficient, cheaper and more easily installed than previous models. (more…)