
hySolutions CEO retires

hySolutions CEO retires

Heinrich Klingenberg

A champion of the hydrogen industry, Heinrich Klingenberg’s defining influence extends from northern Germany throughout Europe. In early July, the hySolutions chief executive embarked on his well-deserved retirement.

Klingenberg was instrumental in setting up hySolutions in 2005. As CEO and spokesperson, he doubly served the company throughout his entire term of office (see interview in H2-international, April 2019).

Northern German Hydrogen Industry Network

Northern German Hydrogen Industry Network

Heinrich Klingenberg
Heinrich Klingenberg

Hydrogen is an oft-discussed topic in and around Hamburg these days: In summer last year, the city became the birthplace of the Hydrogen Industry Network in Northern Germany. In November 2018, it was where the economy and transportation ministers of the German states on the coastline met for a conference on a joint hydrogen strategy for the region. H2-international talked to Heinrich Klingenberg, the network’s spokesman and chief executive of hySolutions, about the organization’s plans and the future role of the city.
